Ques 1.
A list of regulations were released by The German government , effective April 1, 1905, intoducing three new terms/conventions:
1. Ruhezeichen ("Cease-sending signal")
2. Suchzeichen ("Quest signal")
3. Notzeichen
How is Notzeichen more famously known?
Ques 2.
X is a foam-covered iced drink . It is very popular in Greece especially during summer, but has now spread on to other countries.
In French, when describing a drink, the word X means shaken and/or chilled; however, in popular Greek culture, the word X is predominantly taken to refer to the shaking associated with the preparation of X.
One from Abhimanyu '16
Connect the following paintings
- J. Howard Miller's We Can Do It!
- Hokusai's The Great Wave off Kanagawa
- Francis Picabia's Udnie
- Wassil...
8 years ago