Ques 1.
A list of regulations were released by The German government , effective April 1, 1905, intoducing three new terms/conventions:
1. Ruhezeichen ("Cease-sending signal")
2. Suchzeichen ("Quest signal")
3. Notzeichen
How is Notzeichen more famously known?
Ques 2.
X is a foam-covered iced drink . It is very popular in Greece especially during summer, but has now spread on to other countries.
In French, when describing a drink, the word X means shaken and/or chilled; however, in popular Greek culture, the word X is predominantly taken to refer to the shaking associated with the preparation of X.
One from Abhimanyu '16
Connect the following paintings
- J. Howard Miller's We Can Do It!
- Hokusai's The Great Wave off Kanagawa
- Francis Picabia's Udnie
- Wassil...
8 years ago
My name is Sandeep (Surname deliberately not provided)
These are my answers:
1. Notzeichen probably means "No Signal". Splitting the word, we find the string 'zeichen' common to all three terms. Looking at the English translation, we find the word signal also common. Hence, the answer must be _________ signal. My guess is that the blank is 'No'. Hence, the answer is "No Signal".
2. Perhaps a martini. James Bond phrase, 'a martini, shaken but not stirred'.
1. sos
2. frappe
with due regards to john mayer and ccd, and the funky line on top of the e.
Great! correct.
good guesses.
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