here's the tentative schedule for the sem:
1. Quizzalthon - 16th Jan
2. Lone Wolf - 4th Feb
3. Jeopardy - 20th Feb
Non Comps
1. 22nd jan
2. 9th Feb
3. 19th Feb
Mastermind Prelims: 5th Feb
Mastermind is a Non-comp. The prelims are open to all. No teams. There will be seperate categories like science and tech, sports, hist and myth, pop cult, etc; and you have to select 3 or 4 that you are most comfortable with.The winners from each categpry get to go on to the finals where its a different story and you can ask me in person about it. Nice event.
The first non comp. Well the date is for today. But i dont see any posters. Ill call you guys up personally otherwise.
Lone wolf is probably the most exciting of the events. i dont remember it all, but theres a funda that the guy to whom a question is posed doesnt have to answer it, but can passit to anyone he wants to, and if that guy doesnt know the answer, he gets points docked off him. I may be entirely wrong, but i definitely remember that ppl kept getting eliminated based on points and alot of "bigwigs" get eliminated while a few "unknowns" advance forward.
the final non comp will have 1-3rd of the qs by me so you are all personally invited. INfinite bounds this time. no experimentation with the format.
One from Abhimanyu '16
Connect the following paintings
- J. Howard Miller's We Can Do It!
- Hokusai's The Great Wave off Kanagawa
- Francis Picabia's Udnie
- Wassil...
8 years ago
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