Thursday, April 16, 2009

Genesis 1

Prelims 1) In the medieval , a bell was ringed at a fixed time in the evening as an order to bank the hearths and prepare for sleep. The custom originated as a precaution against fires and was common throughout Europe in the Middle Ages. This gave rise to the word “X”, which comes from the French for “cover fire”. X has most recently been used in times of turbulence.

Prelims 2)
The origin of the name X is uncertain. According to Paul Ford's Companion to X, there is no indication that Y was alluding to the ancient Italian Umbrian city Nequinium, which the conquering Romans renamed X in 299 BC after the river Nar. However, since Y studied classics at Oxford, it is possible that he came across at least some of the seven or so references to X in Latin literature.[ There is also the possibility (but no solid evidence) that Y, who studied medieval and Renaissance literature, was aware of a reference to Lucia von X ("Lucy of X") in a 1501 German text, Wunderliche Geschichten von geistlichen Weybbildern ("Wondrous stories of monastic women") by Ercole d'Este.

(Rachit,bhatta,nitish,bannerjee,apoorv,abhinav,shankhayan forbidden to answer)


Ankit said...

1) is it curfew????

Ankit said...

second is narnia for sure!!!

Piyush said...

both correct.